February 10, 2020
Feria Zaragoza 2020 – Interiors Fair in Spain
We were invited to visit the furniture fair in Zaragoza (
Feria Zaragoza) in January 2020, which is the second biggest one in Spain after Feria Habitat in Valencia that takes place in September each year.
This fair is mostly for suppliers to hospitality and commercial projects, and that was exactly the reason why I was eager to go. The profile of the exhibitors and items differ slightly from shows that cater for residential clients, as for some products the standards to adhere are different and focus on wearability is greater.
The pool-side furniture section was particularly enjoyable, as because of our climate we do not get to work with these products often.
I was fascinated by a mattress printing machine, which you may remember from my InstaStories if you follow me on
Moreover, the location of the fair meant that I was able to meet many companies from Spain and Portugal.
Several useful pre-arranged meetings with suppliers later, and plenty of time to explore all 11 halls, I was happy to have started several promising new business relationships. It was a relatively short visit but very fruitful indeed.

VORBILDs design process stages | Full architectural interior design and property services | Development and property search | Property management
Planning consultant | Pre-application advice and submission | Sketch design and feasibility of your property
VR design - walk through your property | Furniture design | Feng shui consultation | Vastu consultation | Lighting design
Aquarium design service| Historic property design | Biophilic interior design | Colour interior analysis | Passive House
Landscaping design services | Design services for projects abroad | Marine and yacht design
Design during COVID | Us during COVID | Recycling, reusing, improving | Mentoring

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